Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What will follow here?

Hello everyone!
My stay in Thailand lasts now for 23 days and I decided to translate my German blog to English. During the next days I will upload the posts from the last weeks and than go on with the brand new stuff.

#1: 13/09/01 – What will follow here?
For not boring you with stupid travel-preparation posts I decided to create this blog just a few hours before I leave Germany. So you know what I am planning to do, here are the most important facts about my upcoming trip:

Since years it was my plan to stay a year aborad after finishing school - where to stay was not that important. The need to make this experience was given to me by my father I think, who did a few months long trip through the Middle East when he was at university. Even that he does not talk much about that time, when he does, I always have the feeling that this journey left its indelible mark on him – at least I imagine that enough to do such a trip too.

My choice was suddenly quite easy when I began doing a new sport when I was 16 and immediately fell in love with it. I started doing thaiboxing and realized that my way from soccer to badminton to dancing to playing the guitar had finally lead me to the one kind of sport I love. A few months later I started to train grappling and MMA additionaly.

Muay Thai is the nationalsport in Thailand and so I did a four weeks trainingjourney with two friends last year to this beautiful country. To give you an idea how intense my impressions from this one month were I would like to quote from my traveldiary: "To make this trip was the best decision of my whole entire life."

Because these 4 weeks were already amazing and I am fascinated by the country, its people and furthermore it is my dream to be able to concentrate 24/7 on nothing else than the training I have choosen Thailand for my year abroad.

I will start my trip at Team Quest Chiang Mai, I already trained at last year.

Felix – 13 hours before departure


  1. Hi Felix,

    I look forward to reading this blog, I like you travelled to Thailand last year for a few weeks (though I was backpacking not training) and had an amazing experience. I was wondering if you could answer a question for me? I have never done Muay Thai (or any other martial art) but am very keen to do so, as well as try and get my body back into a decent, healthier state after 10 years of sitting in an office. Is Team Quest a good place for absolute beginners to train - I was looking at coming over there for a period before moving on.

    Thanks in advance and I look forward to the rest of your blog.


    1. Hey Matt!

      Thanks for following my blog!
      The trainers correct our technique when we are, for example working out on the pads. Beginners get taught the basics one on one the same way more experienced team members get their techniques corrected.
      I can recommend Team Quest Chiang Mai for beginners, too.

      If you have more questions, just ask ;)
