Saturday, December 14, 2013

One of these mornings

I am running through the jungle, jumping over old, fallen trees and green plants I have not seen before. My feet find their way through the brushwood, avoiding puddles, holes and stumbling blocks like I have trained this for years. The midday sun is slightly shivering through the roof of leaves – outside of the forest it may be hot, but here there is a pleasant cool. I feel free and deeply relaxed, running without any effort and feeling like I could do that forever.

An annoying and loud beeping, one of those you would never hear in a beautiful and silent environment, jolts me out of my dreams. I turn around – outside it is dawning but still dark and the sky is overcast. Then I reach for my mobile phone, turn off the terrible alarm (the software developer who gave the ringtone the name "good morning" must be a cynic) and check the time: 6 a.m.

The training starts in one hour and I reach under my bed for the box with the BCAA´s. Still lying in my bed I swallow two capsules with some water. Already exhausted I place my head back on the pillow. Standing up now and going to the Team Quest gym and train for two hours? Running, pad work, bag work. When I stretch my body carefully it does not feel like it is ready for a workout. My neck is aching from the clinching classes the day before and bruises and other small injuries hurt.

I hide in my sleeping bag, hoping that a wonder will make the time stop so I can get more sleep. 10 minutes later the second alarm reminds me, as unpleasantly and ruthlessly as before, that no miracle occurred. Morose I work myself out of the comfortable bed and scuff into the bathroom. Today the tiles seem to be colder than on other days and my muscles stiffer. Today is one of these days. I train two times a day since months without a considerable break – even if I love what I do, today I am barely motivated to train.

It is early and it is not as warm as it should be (means wearing two tank-tops is necessary while riding my bicycle to the gym. Nothing compared to the German weather but already too cold for me) and my body is aching. Again, going for a run; again, doing pad rounds; again, doing bagwork; again, doing sparring; and again, doing dozens of push-ups. There is nothing I would like to do more than just go back to dreamland.

But somehow I manage to pack my backpack, to prepare my after workout shake and have some bananas for breakfast. If you would ask me, why I do this, right after I stepped out of my door, I could not answer you. Is it because I got used to the routine? Is it because I just do not know what else to do?

training preparations
It is one of these – I don´t want to mornings. Finally I end up in the gym, kicking the pads, the bags and my training partners. And I did not really enjoy it. But somehow I still did it.
If you train you know these kinds of mornings. These types of mornings when you do something you do not have to do. You do not like these mornings. A strange situation.

Why do we do this? I want to think about this in a whole entire post, next time.

- This post is from mid of this week, I just did not have time to bring it up. So I will continues this story after the next post, because I will have to wirte about my fight tonight first ;) -

1 comment:

  1. I also do the same, its really hard for me too to get up early in the moring for classes. Why even moring classes exists?
